Further Properties

Other properties can be implemented using available analysis routines as a basis. Following analyses have also been implemented.


Based on the Density analysis

import porems as pms
import poreana as pa

mol = pms.Molecule(inp="data/benzene.gro")

sample = pa.Sample("data/pore_system_cylinder.obj", "data/traj_cylinder.xtc", mol, [])

Finished frame 2001/2001...

Adsorption values within the pore can be calculated by counting the instance of atoms inside and outside the pore system resulting into a surface concentration within the pore and a volumetric concentration in the bulk reservoirs

import pandas as pd

ads = pa.adsorption.calculate("output/dens.h5")

Conc Num
mumol_m2 0.153606
mmol_l 139.490759
in 10.678661
ex 18.785607

Radius of Gyration

The radius of gyration can be calculated by sampling the molecule radius inside and outside the pore using the gyration routine. The density routine is also needed for weighting the radius based on the bin density

import porems as pms
import poreana as pa

mol = pms.Molecule(inp="data/benzene.gro")

sample = pa.Sample("data/pore_system_cylinder.obj", "data/traj_cylinder.xtc", mol, [])

Finished frame 2001/2001...

The gyration radius can then be calculated and visualized as a function of radius and distance inside and outside the pore respectively

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(13, 4))

ylim = [0, 0.2]

pa.gyration.bins_plot("output/gyr.h5", "output/dens.h5", intent="in")
plt.xlim([0, 2])
plt.xlabel("Distance from pore center (nm)")
plt.ylabel(r"Radius of gyration (nm)")

pa.gyration.bins_plot("output/gyr.h5", "output/dens.h5", intent="ex")
plt.xlim([0, 5])
plt.xlabel("Distance from reservoir end (nm)")
plt.ylabel(r"Radius of gyration (nm)")


The angle can be calculated by sampling the angles between a molecule vector, defined by two atom ids, and the surface normal vector inside and outside the pore using the angle routine. The density routine is also needed for weighting the angle based on the bin density

import porems as pms
import poreana as pa

mol = pms.Molecule(inp="data/benzene.gro")

sample = pa.Sample("data/pore_system_cylinder.obj", "data/traj_cylinder.xtc", mol, [])
sample.init_angle("output/angle.h5", [0, 3])

Finished frame 2001/2001...

Note that the angle routine cannot be parallelized. Optionally, or if the pore shape has not been implemented, the PoreMS Shape module can be used for determining the normal vectors

shape = pms.Cylinder({"centroid": centroid, "central": [0, 0, 1], "length": length, "diameter": diameter})
def normal_in(pos): return shape.normal(pos)
def normal_ex(pos): return [0, 0, -1] if pos[2] < centroid[2] else [0, 0, 1]
normals = {"in": normal_in, "ex": normal_ex}

sample.init_angle("output/angle.h5", [0, 3], normals=normals)

For more information on shapes, visit the PoreMS documentation. The angles can then be calculated and visualized as a function of distance inside and outside the pore respectively

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.figure(figsize=(13, 4))

ylim = [0, 0.2]

pa.angle.bins_plot("output/angle.h5", "output/dens.h5", intent="in")
plt.xlim([0, 2])
plt.xlabel("Distance from pore center (nm)")
plt.ylabel(r"Angle (deg)")

pa.angle.bins_plot("output/angle.h5", "output/dens.h5", intent="ex")
plt.xlim([0, 5])
plt.xlabel("Distance from reservoir end (nm)")
plt.ylabel(r"Angle (deg)")