Density Analysis in a PoreΒΆ

The density analysis needs the sampled object file using the density routine

import porems as pms
import poreana as pa

mol = pms.Molecule(inp="data/benzene.gro")

sample = pa.Sample("data/pore_system_cylinder.obj", "data/traj_cylinder.xtc", mol, [])

Finished frame 2001/2001...

The calculation of the density profile is done using the bins function

dens = pa.density.bins("output/dens.h5")

Density inside  Pore = 0.100 #/nm^3 ;  12.941 kg/m^3

Density outside Pore = 0.127 #/nm^3 ;  16.446 kg/m^3

and viewed using the plot function
