(loc, is_log=True)¶This class is a python wrapper for the osmnx package. The input is a dictionary containing the location name name, and optionally preloaded graph G and projection objects Gp.
Parameters: |
charging_station ([tags]) |
Create charging station graph and capacity dictionaries. |
dist (orig, dest[, is_route]) |
Calculate the distance between two locations |
dist_poi (orig, poi) |
Calculate the distance to nearest poi node. |
get_G () |
Get OSM graph object. |
get_Gp () |
Get OSM graph projection object. |
get_nodes () |
Get list of nodes of graph. |
plot ([pois, routes, ax, kwargs]) |
Plot graph optionally with chargin stations and routes. |
poi (tags[, radius, is_gdf]) |
Get nodes for given point of interest. |
radius (node, radius) |
Find nodes within radius of given node. |