Pore construction kit.
Normal function for the exterior surface |
Attach siloxane bridges using function |
Add shape to pore system for drilling. |
Calculate molecule allocation on the surface. |
Attach molecule on the surface. |
Return the box size of the pore block. |
Process provided structure to build connectivity matrix. |
Return pore centroid. |
Calculate true diameter after drilling and preparation. |
Optionally create and adjust exterior surface. |
Finalize pore system. |
Prepare pore surface, add siloxane bridges, assign sites to sections, and assign a unique normal vector to each site by updating the original pore object site list. |
Return the reservoir length. |
Calculate surface roughness. |
Return the pore shape for analysis using PoreAna. |
Add cone shape |
Add cylindrical shape |
Add slit shape |
Add sphere shape |
Store pore system and all necessary files for simulation at given link. |
Add structure to the Pore builder. |
Calculate pore surface and exterior surface. |
Create properties as pandas table for easy viewing. |
Calculate pore volume. |
Save yaml file with properties necessary for analysis. |